Monday, January 25, 2016

Habit 1: Be proactive
"Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first. It said "I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude. I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness.I am in the driver's seat of my destiny, not just a passenger."
When we're proactive, we make good choices about how to respond to something happening. We can have a calm attitude. We have to do good things that are going to end up right, like help people.When things dont go our way, you are not happy but we stay calm. Being responsible is a big thing here. We have to be in control of our behavior. We can find happiness by being proactive because we dont make excuses. We always try to fix it and make it right.

Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind.
"Control your own destiny or someone else will"
This means that we are the masters of our destiny. We decide the choices we make and we shouldn't let people control us and our life. We can make our life what we want it to be. We must have control of our authorship of our own destiny. We must have fate in ourselves. We have to do what is right for us. We should see opportunity in ourselves and others. We should also have a positive mind about everything.

Habit 3: Put First things first 
"Organize and execute around priorities"

Being organize can help you achieve many things. You will put first things first. We have to do things we have to do first and then put things we want to do second, that is being organize.We should spend our time on things that are important. We shouldn't do things we are not supposed to do. We have to keep going forward and never go back.What i will do to apply this habit. Is i will do the important things first like homework and my chores and then use my phone and do whatever i need to do that is not so important.
Habit 4: Think win-win
" Think win-win or no deal"
Thinking win win is personal security, we have to be confident. We need integrity, maturity, and abundance mentality.We should never quit. We have to give to get. for example im going to compromise with people so it could be a win win

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, then to be understood

Habit 6: Synergize
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts (1+1=3)
  this is the habit of creative cooperation. It is teamwork, open-mindedness, and the adventure of finding new solutions to old problems. But it doesn't just happen on its own. It's a process, and through that process, people bring all their personal experience and expertise to the table.
There is no way to work together if someone is self-centered. We have to share ideas and opinions with others to have a win win. Thats one of the other habits made, We should be able

Habit 7: Sharpen the saw

This is about caring for yourself in categories like your physical, mentality,spiritually and socially. We have to make good decisions, and take care of ourselves. There are many ways to do that. Focus on building relationships. Making other people feel good actually makes you feel good.
We can always share kindness and we should do that everyday. That can help with our social experience, It would also make us a better person.

Reflection: The 7 habits of highly effective people are a great way to choose the right, We should make great decisions in our life and these are great ways to do that. We should be proactive, that is a way to respond to and issue the right simple way. I feel like habit number 3 is a very good one because in life we should put first things first in order for our life to go smoothly. We should not be wasting time in nonsense and we should do whats important to us. We should have time for ourselves so then we can respond to things nicely. What  i will do to apply these habits. i will always put fist things first. I will not waste my time and i will accomplish important things in my life first.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Three Fundamental Techniques in Handling People
Dale Carnegie

Principle 1: Don’t criticize, condemn, or complain
"if you want to gather honey, don't kick over the beehive."
This means that we shouldn't complain or criticize people. We should just keep them to oursleves. We can hurt peoples feelings, and we wouldn't want that to happen to us. We should handle with people with respect, tell them what you think but not in a bad way. For example, in cheer people complain to other people for not doing something right. We should handle this right and tell them nicely instead of just complaining all the time. I know that i will not criticize anyone because i wouldn't want that for me. 

Principle 2: Give honest and sincere appreciation. 

" The big secret in dealing with people."
This means being real with people. Be thankful for what they do for you or anyone/anything else. We should be honest. never lie, it makes the person feel bad. Being sincere is accepting what people give you or do for you. We should always be thankful with what we get or have.

Principle: Arouse in the other person an eager want

"He who can do this has the whole world with him. He who cannot, walks a lonely way."

Become interested in the person you're talking to, and make it become all about you . It's to talk to other person about what they want and tell them how to get it. It also means to get anyone to do something we want or listen to something we say, the solution is not to carefully explain why we want it to happen or be heard. The solution is to make them want to act or listen.

Reflection: I feel like these are good techniques that help us be a better person. We have to appreciate what other people do for us and always say thank you. We dont have to criticize or judge other people and i think that's a number one technique that can help people be a better person. Dont criticize others until you walk in their shoes. I will not criticize other people and i will always have a positive mind
School break days
During my winter break i slept a a lot and also went to cheer practice one whole week. i hated it because it was break and i had to wake up early. during these three weeks, i went to Las Vegas for New Years with my family. I've never celebrated New years with my uncles family. so it was pretty different but nice. I met my friend Carlos who is a really good guy. I watched a lot of movies like the minions, i loved that movie. The other movies i watched were just nonsense. I did a lot of APUSH homework, i was so stressed out because i procrastinated. I went to Six Flags with my whole familia which was pretty cool. My Christmas was good too because my whole family was together and we didn't have problems.