Thursday, January 30, 2014

Student Success Statement
" Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."
This quote means that when people say kind words and stuff they are easy to say to someone. but it really hard to say and never end.
Occupational Therapist
Duties and responsibilities: Occupational Therapy Assistants and Aides help patients who are mentally, emotionally, or physically disabled adjust to handicaps and regain abilities to perform daily living and self-care skills. They work under the supervision of occupational therapists as part of a team with physicians, counselors, and physical therapists.
Salary:$12,000-$15,000 (occupational therapy aides)
$17,000-$26,000 (occupational therapy Assistants)
Education: Occupational therapy aides must have a high school diploma or GED certificate.  They receive their training while on the job.

Occupational therapy assistants must complete a two year training program that includes clinical experience. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

student success statement

Student Success Statement
" The best way to predict your future is to create it."
Charles Ketterer
What i thought about the assembly on Friday, was that it was interesting and funny. The teachers really made me laugh. Some were acting really good like us. What i learned in the assembly was never be late to my classes, never do graffiti in the school walls, don't talk back to my teachers and follow the rules. what I'm going to change about me to follow these rules are, I'm going to stop talking back to my teachers. I'm going to get cleaner in the hallways, classrooms, restrooms and my lockers. I'm not going to be writing in the desks when I'm bored, and I'm going to respect my classmates. the teachers made the point clear in the thing they did. i really had fun, but i also think it was a little rude to us students.

Nursing Home Administrator
Duties and responsibilities: Nursing home administrator and direct operations of nursing homes and long-term care facilities. They supervise personal, financial, medical, and nursing administration.
Most work in nursing homes, but some work for large corporations that control many facilities. Some are also involved in teaching and research.
Salary: $40,000-$55,000
Students should take challenging high school courses in business, science, math and English. Requirements differ, but most states require nursing home administrators to have at least a bachelor’s degree in nursing home administration, complete and additional internship program, and pass a comprehensive examination.
Nursing homeI would not want to be nursing home administrator because I'm not interested in it or i just don't think its interesting

Monday, January 27, 2014

Student Success Statement
" Be cool in school----live every rule."
This quote means that if you do the right thing in school and follow the rules, you will succeed and be cool in the good way instead of the bad.,

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Student Success Statement

" Action is the foundational key to all success.'

This quote means that we need to act for what we want to achieve. For example,if you wanna be someone in life, we better act for it an do something about it.
What im going to do to achieve some of my goals like getting straight A's is im going to turn in all my work and all my projects. Im going to concentrate on my classes instead of drama and boys.
Pyramid healing
Define pyramid healing: Pyramid healing is a powerful personal tool for achieving deep meditative tastes and accelerating healing on the spiritual, the mental, and the physical levels.

Aspects of pyramid healing: A Geometrical Shape that is formed by four equilateral Triangles of same size on a square base in such a manner that they form an apex on that Square baset .

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Glenn CunninghamGlenn Cunningham was an American Distance Runner. He was born on august 4 1909 in Atalanta Kansas, and died on March 10 1988. he had a lot of nicknames such as "Kansas Flyer", the "Elkhart Express" and the "Iron Horse of Kansas". People would call them that because he was a fast runner. Glenn brother died in at a school accident. Some guy had put  put gasoline instead of kerosene in the can at his schoolhouse, which had made an explosion at his school. His brother was thirteen and he was 8. Glenn's legs were really burned from the explosion, the doctors said his legs had to be Amputated. his parents didn't agree with this and he wasn't either. but they amputation dint happen. The doctors said he would never walked the same as before and his legs will never be the same. Glenn didn't gave up, he went to some new therapy ,two years later he tried walking for the first time. After some time Glenn was better and he could finally run. Glenn won " Most Popular Athlete". Glenn record was running the mile for a little more that 4 min. his goal was to pass the mile before minutes, which he never achieved. he tried a lot of different ways to do it but he never did. Glenn had a successful life, even though his legs weren't the same as others.

Student success statement 
" Adversity causes some men to break--others to break records"
William A. Ward

Monitor surveillance technician

Duties and responsibilities: Gather and report heart pattern information on patients.
Operate monitoring computers that simultaneously display multiple [patient results. Identify heart pattern changes and  abnormalities.
Clean and maintain equipment, battery packs, and wiring systems.
Salary: $26,000- $41,000

Students wanting to become Monitor Surveillance Technicians should take math, science, and computer technology courses in high school.

Upon graduation from high school they may enroll in training programs at vocational schools, community colleges, or hospitals.  Program length varies from three months to two years.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Student success statement 
" The best inspiration is not to out do others, but to outdo ourselves."
Health Sciences Librarian

Duties and responsibilities: 
Health Sciences Librarians and Library Technicians collect and organize medical information and help practitioners find the information they need for patient care, education, research, and administration. Library technicians assist librarians in organizing collections, shelve books, manage circulation desks, answer patrons' questions, and perform administrative duties.

$20,000 - $30,000 (Library Technicians) 
$35,000 - $55,000 (Librarians)

 Students should take challenging high school courses in information management, science, math, and English. Some library science graduate programs offer specialized courses in health science librarianship

Monday, January 13, 2014

What i did in my Christmas break:

During the last 3 weeks i was really busy but it was also boring. The first week my family went out most of the days,the day after was Christmas, all my family went to my aunts house. We ate really good food and open the present, we had a good time. the next week. we did the same thing, we went out but also stayed home a couple of days. For new years we went to my other cousins house where it was a little boring but the food made it better. The last week we just stayed home. i had to take care of my little brother and sister most of the time. It was fun some of the days but the rest were just ugh boring. the good thing about the last week was that i was talking to this kid the whole time about us. it was really interesting and fun.


Student success Statement
"Its is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness ."
This quote means that to succeed in life, there's always going to be rough roads, meaning in life theres going to be obstacles in your way of success.
Clinical laboratory specialist
Duties and responsibilities: Clinical Laboratory Specialists include both Clinical Laboratory Technicians and Clinical Technologists. They also collect blood specimens and prepare culture media. Clinical technologists perform more complex laboratory tests and procedures than technicians. Most clinical laboratory specialists work in hospitals, but they are also employed by private practices, medical groups, research laboratories, pharmaceutical companies, and universities.

Salary: $20,000- $28,000 (clinical laboratory technicians)
$25,000-$40,000 (clinical technologists)

Education: Students should take the most challenging high school courses in, science, math, and English. An associate’s degree in the field or completion of a specialized in house training program is required to become a clinical laboratory technician.

  No I would not want to be a Clinical laboratory specialist because I don’t thing is what I want to be and I’m not interest in it.