Way to be
9 ways to be happy and make something of your life
1. Be grateful
"I believe if you keep your faith, you keep your trust, you keep the right attitude, if you're grateful, you'll see God open up new doors."
Joel Osteen
Being grateful opens alot of doors for us. If we have a bad attitude about what people do for us or what we accomplish, we can end up alone. Being grateful for your family and friends will never feel like your alone. you will get closer to them and if your not grateful, it means you are pushing it away. Even being grateful for the smallest things feels good. Being grateful brings happiness.
2. Be smart
“Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery.”
This quote shows how you have to accept what you did. if it was wrogn or it was right. you have to accept what you did and move on. Move forward and not back., we would achieve our goals. Accepting what we did is being smart. If you did something bad dont go back and do it again for revenge, be smart and move on. Be smart to what you choose for the future.. i would be smart and not repeat the same mistakes i made before. i would move forwalrd in like if accept everything i did but never do it again.
3. Be involved in good works
"The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today."
Elbert Hubbard
What i think about being involved in good work is being able to achieve your goals out of it. Joining clubs, activities, sports etc means you are doing the smart thing. its the smart things to do because we can be in other bad things like going out with friends and smoking or drinking, that's choosing the wrong. We should be joining things that help the world and help ourselves. We can achieve many things by working together too. if we want to be something good in life, we should be doing good works now that lead us there, I will join more clubs and do better work to help me go up in life in a good way.
4. Be clean
"Be strong in body, clean in mind, lofty in ideals."
James Naismith
What i think about this way is that it can be described in many ways. "Being clean" doesn't mean not wearing piercings or not drinking alcohol etc. you can do all of those but in a smart responsible way. Being clean is expressing yourself safely and nicely. There's a limit to this though. We cant be getting tattoos that are bad like something disrespectful. There's always a limit but there's always a way to express yourself too. Nothings wrong with piercings or tattoos or a way to have fun like alcohol. we can have fun without alcohol too though.being clean in ind is different though. we have to think clean and not choose the wrong always choose the right decision.. the clean decision.
"Success comes to those who dedicate everything to their passion in life. To be successful, it is also very important to be humble and never let fame or money travel to your head."
Being humble means not showing off what you have to the low. Helping others at their problems without anything in return. This picture shows how we can work hard and achieve our goals but never show off. We can be proud of ourselves without having to show it off to the whole world. Being humble means to always work hard, be kind, and never give up. For example, i will stay humble related to my schools work. i Will never give up until i get to be in the gold list and they stay humble to stay there.
James Naismith
What i think about this way is that it can be described in many ways. "Being clean" doesn't mean not wearing piercings or not drinking alcohol etc. you can do all of those but in a smart responsible way. Being clean is expressing yourself safely and nicely. There's a limit to this though. We cant be getting tattoos that are bad like something disrespectful. There's always a limit but there's always a way to express yourself too. Nothings wrong with piercings or tattoos or a way to have fun like alcohol. we can have fun without alcohol too though.being clean in ind is different though. we have to think clean and not choose the wrong always choose the right decision.. the clean decision.
5. Be true
"It is only the great hearted who can be true friends. The mean and cowardly, Can never know what true friendship means."
Being true means that your honest to yourself and others. Being true can lead you to choosing the right. It can make you achieve your goals in a non cheating way. It can also help you feel confident about yourself, because we know that we are being honest with ourselves. Being true to other people like your friends well make them trust you, if your a fake, you will just end up alone. Never pretend to be someone else your not, it will just cause problems and that's not being true to yourself. Something never comes out from pretending to be someone your not. What i would do to make this way a way is i would be true to myself for everything i do. I will not do or pretend i am someone else just to please people. I'll be true to who i am.
6. Be Positive
"Work hard for what you want because it won't come to you without a fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to. If somebody puts you down or criticizes you, just keep on believing in yourself and turn it into something positive."
Being positive can help achieve anything you want. if your always thinking negative, negative stuff will happen to you. If you have a positive mind and always thing about the good things that can happen, it pretty much happen. Never give up on what you want to and always do with a smile on your face. For example, in cheer leading , im having a hard time in a stunt and im always scared of doing it wrong. im always thinking negatively. I know i should be positive, never be scared and never give up . I will always be positive on everything i do, that will help me achieve many things and help me choose the right.
7. Be Humble
"Success comes to those who dedicate everything to their passion in life. To be successful, it is also very important to be humble and never let fame or money travel to your head."
Being humble means not showing off what you have to the low. Helping others at their problems without anything in return. This picture shows how we can work hard and achieve our goals but never show off. We can be proud of ourselves without having to show it off to the whole world. Being humble means to always work hard, be kind, and never give up. For example, i will stay humble related to my schools work. i Will never give up until i get to be in the gold list and they stay humble to stay there.
8. Be still
"Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen - that stillness becomes a radiance."
This means to always choose the right. Being still can help stay in the right track and never choose the wrong. We always have to see what the future has for us and be still and then make the right decision about it. For example, we have to be smart at what comes to us. We need to choose the right to accomplish our goals. Being still is also letting life happen, like let things come to you and don't be scared of facing them. Be still, let it happen and then learn from it.
9. Be prayerful
Reflection: What i think about the 9 ways is that they are pretty good ways to be happy and make something of my life. Following all this can help achieve many goals and never regret that we didn't. These ways are a smart way to be happy in life, they make you choose the right and always accomplish things you thought you were impossible. What i will do to commit to this is i will follow them and think about them whenever i'm in a hard or simple situation. I would also like to the 9 ways because it will make me a better person to other people, to school, and mainly life.