Monday, April 28, 2014

Student success statement 
"He who walks with the wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.'
A proverb
This quote means that we need to show yourself the way you walk because people would automatically know what type of person you are. If we choose the right people would want to know you better and be like you. If we choose the right, people would like to be like us, but if we choose the wrong, we're going to be the ones being fooled, and be harmed. FOR EXAMPLE,  if i do something wrong, people would just think i'm a fool. but i i choose the right, people will think i'm smart and talk to me. If i hang out with the smart people, the ones who choose the right. i will become smart and will always choose the right. But if i choose to hang out with the wrong people, i'm always going to choose the wrong and be a fool.

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